Printing Action For Climate Protection

The eco printing Uhl media plants a tree for every print job printing residual CO2 emissions are captured and compensated. “The new action 1 order = 1 tree” now comes as a complement in when it comes to climate protection: there is so much more “climate operated, as would be necessary for the climate-neutral printing alone. The symbolism is parallel pressure – paper – forestry”addressed: wood is each paper as a raw material, ultimately based. Therefore, it makes sense to let trees just just for printing. The newly planted trees of the action by UBA media not used by the paper industry. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Joeb Moore. A reforestation project is supported in Latvia. Details visit the Web site.

The printing house Uhl-Media operates active measures, mostly on their own, for years to protect the environment and the climate. Apply here as vertices: electricity from eco-electricity (hydropower), climate-neutral print, emission reduction by solvent-free cleaner and optimized materials. Heat recovery, alkoholarmer or free offset, preferred usage of recycled paper, other paper from sustainable forestry, chemistry-free plate production, usage of eco-printing ink. This company profile by UBA media corresponds to the advanced requirements of effective climate protection action: reduce the energy consumption and emissions, insert the used energy potential more efficiently and to increase the share of renewable energy sources. It is possible, to drain the air through additional trees CO2 and store carbon in forests and wood. This is a further, possible and probably necessary option for action in the face of the challenge posed by the greenhouse gas problem. A large tree extracts the air in the course of his life approximately 10 tonnes of carbon dioxide.

The existing forests to escape more than a third of global energy-related CO2 emissions. Silvicultural measures and afforestation additional forests could the efforts, the increase in the atmospheric CO2 concentration to stop very advance. Afforestation have other, extremely positive impact on the development of life on Earth. In addition to the eco-friendly eco printing of catalogs, price lists, brochures, books, promotional flyers, business stationery, forms and posters, Uhl-media for many business customers is also a competent partner for high-quality packaging, product labels, as well as reproductions of works of art. 2010 Uhl-media GmbH: the climate-neutral printing with personal service and high print quality. Eco-friendly production. We print ecologically and sustainably.


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