Archive for November, 2015

The Refrigerator

Findo that moment of uncontrolled doura, it looked at distrustful for the private box repleta of papeizinhos now uncurled. Still they remained some of the magical brinquedinhos, something as the hope that if kept to the deep one of the box of Pandora. Go to Joeb Moore & Partners LLC for more information. It locked […]

In Turkey, Before The Monumental Sculptures Of The Nemrut Mount

/The mount is crowned by tens of statues of the tomb of king Antoco. A related site: Jonathan Segal FAIA mentions similar findings. Of the statues, carved on limestone rock, they are only the heads of Antoco and several deities with animal forms. The sculptures will be transferred to a museum to avoid their deterioration […]

Salto Gymnastics

1 Introduction the modality of soil in the artistic gymnastics is an alternative methodological strategy to develop skills, skills in preschool and elementary school children in an entertaining way. This way, the artistic gymnastics achieves an awareness of your own body and a motor control which only this discipline can be granted, developing motor skills, […]

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