The Refrigerator

Findo that moment of uncontrolled doura, it looked at distrustful for the private box repleta of papeizinhos now uncurled. Still they remained some of the magical brinquedinhos, something as the hope that if kept to the deep one of the box of Pandora. Go to Joeb Moore & Partners LLC for more information. It locked it, kept in the deep one of the closet. It came back to the kitchen and, half disjointed, it went up escadinha to hide of same itself that key. When finding the adjusted place, already went descends as that hidden of airs of the place, it stumbled and it resvalou the foot, hurting the ankle, what it caused to an acute pain almost similar the one that was born at that moment in its> conscience, that weighed as it weighed the irritating scale, leaving, for the seventieth fourth time diet before completing five days. Learn more at: Jonathan Segal FAIA. It was directed limping to the room.

Since it was in that state, since the diet had IDO for water below, it used to advantage to open the refrigerator, who was in the way as a rock. It was then that it ate a frozen slice of pizza marguerita flavor, a slice of ham, plus one of cheese, ingested the remain of stuffed biscuits all refused for the alone children not to ruin, suck in condensed milk can the inebriada in an infinite pleasure until hearing barulhinho of the hollow one of the depleted can, finally. Everything with the door of opened refrigerator, ahead of which if it kept of foot, therefore was only plus one beliscozinho fast. Cursed marriage: my diet ruined. It was to sleep with a light smile that one more time sobrepujava pains of the ankle and the fulfilled duty not leaving for more far the reach of its main objective. Tomorrow it would be a new day. It would not take coffee and the lunch would be limited. Also not it would have supper: only one frutinha.

Nothing better of that one I recommence after a slip. I only dismantle serves will be great. It slept. It had good and bad dreams. It would wake up, of undertow, in the following day, remembering to the pouquinhos of each one of its animalescas attitudes that take for a primitive instinct consumes that it. It would feel guilt. But it was persistent. One day would be lean, therefore, envied.


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