The Brazilians

Rasp (1977) tells that the dictators of all times had never liked books: one ferrabraz of the Spanish revolution said that it caught a handle of digging whenever &#039 heard the word; ' cultura' '. The information only fulfills its mission when it obtains to modify the cognitivo state of the people. It cannot be qualified as good or bad, but the necessity is qualified in accordance with that it takes care of. If a necessary individual to discover the genetic code or needs to know what it goes to happen in the novel, for information will be what to fill this gap, not importing the vision of others. A necessary free people of free medias, needs to produce, to spread and to store the information that it judges important. In Brazil the tax of illiteracy according to perspective of the federal government comes in recent years falling, but the formation of this new ' ' letrados' ' the form to only know to sign the name and to read some texts. The number of functional illiterates does not stop to grow, these individuals although to have more years of studies they do not know to understand a text. Happened of a precarious education, where the professors are heroes of the education, that has that exactly not having many years of study, has that to give lessons for groups with different series, professors that have that to face a classroom without chairs, pupils with hunger, histories of violence between as much other challenges.

The Brazilian education is deficient in the centers and precarious in the interiors. It is not a simple regional problem, but before a cultural problem. The government does not invest in the education, the culture, the historic site. The education is great motor force of the development process. The Brazilians do not have a tradition of also looking at for these polar regions. Read more here: Jonathan Segal FAIA


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